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  • Writer's pictureOliver Blakemore

You are Why You Are

Updated: Feb 24, 2023

Nothing’s original except motivation, and not even always that. If we were all as pragmatical as we claim, there would only be, like, two companies. There would only be two companies because we would only care about getting the right stuff to fulfill our basic needs.

We wouldn’t care about the story, making this company more attractive than any other one.

You need look no further than at yourself to know that doesn’t follow. It’s an interesting exercise to think about it sometimes. Odds are, you’ll discover interesting stuff about your own values.

For our purposes, you might discover that the companies you like have interesting stories behind them.

The most successful companies stick in your memory. Success, in this case, is defined by that. If you remember the company, it’s doing a significant job in the story department, whether you realize it or not. If you don’t realize it, the company gets bonus points.

There is a principle upon which the most successful marketing rests. There are a lot of ways it has been articulated, but the one I like is called The Golden Circle. The Golden Circle is an articulation by a thought leader called Simon Simek. In a very real way, The Golden Circle is an inversion of how most of us think we seek stuff out.

Most of us think we want stuff.

We don’t want stuff.

Which means, what? We want solutions?

Nope. We don’t actually want solutions either.

What we really want is the story. We want the story about the solution brought to us by our stuff. The companies we like best have figured out how to tell us that story.

And sometimes, the companies tell us that story explicitly. We want to do business with people who have the same purpose in doing business that we do.

Here at Yura, we have a story. It’s a long, deep story. It gives us a reason why.

This is the articulation of Yura’s Golden Circle—our inversion of normal—and the reason you may or may not like us.

Why We Work

This inversion of normal thinking begins with the reason why we’re doing what we’re doing.

Our reason is simple, straightforward, and it has the potential to sound improbable. Sincerity often strains credulity. It’s funny how that happens. People are instinctively uncomfortable with simple explanations. Which is why they’re so powerful.

Here at Yura, the our reason for being in business is:

  • We want to improve the way brands connect with everyone who cares.

That’s it. That’s our reason why.

It may sound unlikely. How could it be that simple?

It can be, because it’s a powerful idea. You can do a lot with powerful ideas.

In the Golden Circle, inverted thinking way of doing business, you start with your reason why, then you ask yourself how you’re going to do it.

How We’re Going to Do It

The future is shiny and driven by ever-smoother and -cooler technology.

And the people inventing that tech are geniuses! At tech. They’re not always geniuses about convincing anyone else that their particular solution is the final word in cool.

As a result, an awful lot of excellent advances in technology don’t attract the splash they deserve.

We come in there. We want to make the inventors look as cool as we know they are.

So that’s how. From how, we move to what we make that accomplishes that how. Which is why this is an inversion of normal thinking. When you go shopping, you think you’re shopping for what you’re shopping for. Then you get there, and you always have choices, don’t you? There’s a variety of “whats” that can solve your problem. But you make a specific choice, because you’re actually shopping for a reason. You’re actually shopping for a story to be part of.

So here’s what we make.

What We Make

We design brands for the tech world. What we make is cool factor. When the thing we’re selling—technology companies—is already cool, and we know it, what we’re doing is making their coolness visible to the rest of the people. We are extremely focused and motivated about influencing people’s gut-feelings

Be Part of the Story

Go shopping. You might think you’re shopping for a branding agency who can sell your technology because you want to make money. Maybe you are. If you’re interested in improving people’s lives, and you design cool tech, maybe we can work together.

“A brand is literally what people say about your business when you’re not in the room”. — Jeff Bezos - Amazon Let's get to the heart of your why. Baby Steps: We also publish exceptional branding stories, so go for gold.



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